

Halloween Makeup - Glamorous Gothic

As the Halloween is approaching, you may be bothering to have an outstanding and glamorous make up. Gothic look is one of the most popular and classic Halloween look that even some celebrities like Lady Gaga, Kim Kardashian, Kristen Stewart are big fan of it. This article is to give you some tips on how to make a glamorous Halloween Gothic makeup. It was not until the movies like Edward Scissorhands, Interview With The Vampire and The Corpse Bride came out did the public start to know more about Gothic look. Since then, the pale skin and dark lips became the essentials for a Halloween makeup. So first thing first, a pale foundation is completely necessary. This is because in Victorian ghostly pale is a symbol of noble. Find a foundation which is two shades lighter than your skin tone. If you want to make your skin looks smoother you can apply some cover under the eyes and around the wings of nose. Another important thing of a Gothic makeup is applying a dark eye-shadow. Except for

What is Gothic

When it comes to Gothic, a typical architectural style which is common in European countries comes into our mind. Those churches, castles or palaces always have pointed arches and windows with tall thin pillars which are the main characters of a Gothic architecture. Standing in front of these magnificent and mysterious buildings, you may wonder what is Gothics? Or where is it from? Before the Middle Ages, the whole Europe was under the government of Roman Empire. However, a tribe of East Germanic who were called the Goth started to migrate to the south from the 3rd century. During 2 hundred years, the Goths kept migrating and invading Roman territory. Eventually, they successfully capturing the Roman City in AD476, resulting in the fatal collapse of Roman Empire. The period after the Goth conquered Rome to the Renaissance is called the Middle Ages and the artistic style of this period was called Gothic by the people of Renaissance period. The history of the invasion of the Goth was